
TEI guidelines element div

Schema specification


Please use your editor to see what elements, attributes and in what order they are allowed.


Zero or more:

Choice between



Choice between

One or more:


Choice between

Zero or more:

See: model.global


One or more:


See: model.common

Zero or more:

See: model.global

Zero or more:


Choice between

Zero or more:

See: model.global

Zero or more:


See: model.divBottom

Zero or more:

See: model.global

See: att.global.attributes

See: att.divLike.attributes

See: att.declaring.attributes

See: att.written.attributes

Optional: attribute @subtype

Schema specification

Types are inherited from the EpiDoc schema. The subtype values determine the additional semantic value of the textpart for example.Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines

context rule report
tei:div[parent::tei:body] @type='textpart'
the outermost div must always have an attribute type edition, bibliography, commentary, translation or apparatus; type textpart is to be used inside edition.

Attibutes list

attribute type

This is a closed list of allowed values

value definition
apparatus to contain apparatus criticus or textual notes
bibliography to contain bibliographical information, previous publications, etc.
commentary to contain all editorial commentary, historical/prosopographical discussion, etc.
edition to contain the text of the edition itself; may include multiple text-parts
textpart used to divide a div[type=edition] into multiple parts (fragments, columns, faces, etc.)
translation to contain a translation of the text into one or more modern languages

attribute subtype

This attribute can have a maximum of 6 values separated by a space.

This is a semi list of allowed values

value definition
book this container is for a book and may contain chapters
chapter this container is for a chapter and may contain sections
stanza this container is for a stanza and may contain verses
commemoration texts commemorating a saint or event, usually linked for liturgical reading to a precise date, such as entries in the Sǝnkǝssār
incipit incipit of the text
explicit explicit of the text
canon to be used for canonical texts like LIT2688CanonsNicaea2
title contains the title as well as tafaṣṣama/malʾa or similar expression. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'title')]
desinit to qualify expressions as tafaṣṣama/malʾa. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'desinit')]
supplication entreat to God for help. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'supplication')]
expanded contains the title, tafaṣṣama/malʾa and further information. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'expanded')]
inscriptio is used for a title occurring at the beginning of a work. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'inscriptio')]
subscriptio for a title occurring at the end of a work. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'subscriptio')]
embedded for a title copied together with the text. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'embedded')]
translation to signal that the title is only of a translation. Examples: Beta maṣāḥǝft Xpath search for //t:div[contains(@subtype,'translation')]
coretext the main content of a text
textsubunit general way to indicate a specific section of a text that need to be encoded but does not correspond to the other specified textpart
colophon colophon of a work (not of a manuscript) that is systematically transmitted (copied) with the text
list a number of connected items or names written consecutively, either one after the other or one below the other
Example 1

Example from LIT2422Tarika

                            <div type="textpart" subtype="chapter" xml:lang="am" xml:id="Genealogy" corresp="LIT3854KingList">
                                <label>Genealogy and History of the kings of Ethiopia from <persName ref="PRS1386Adam"></persName> to
                                    <persName ref="PRS9142TaklaGi"></persName>/ʾAdbǝʾal, successor of Fǝre Śannāy</label>
Example 2

Example from LIT2382Taamme

                            <div type="textpart" xml:id="John">
                                <label>On John the Evangelist as the author of the book; on the creation and the fall of the angels</label>
Example 3

Example from LIT2516Wisdom

                            <div type="textpart" subtype="section" n="18" xml:id="section18">

Revisions of this page

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on 2018-04-24: stub of page